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Titansphere TiO Bulk Material

GL Sciences proporciona dióxido de titania (serie Titansphere) que se absorbe con péptido fosforilado.

  • Partícula porosa de forma esférica
    • te negro
Fácil de empacar en una punta Área de superficie amplia Brinda una alta tasa de recuperación incluso con una pequeña cantidad de muestra Amplio rango de aplicación Dado que puede adsorber específicamente sitios de fosfato, puede aplicarse a la purificación de péptidos fosforilados, azúcares fosforilados, glifosato, etc.



  • Spherically shaped porous particle - easy to pack into a tip•
  • Wide Surface Area - provide a high recovery rate even with small amount of sample
  • Wide Application Range - since it can specifically adsorb phosphate sites, it can be applicable to the purification of phosphorylated peptides, phosphorylated sugars, glyphosate, etc.



Efficient Purification from HeLa Cell Lysate 

The data on the right shows the superior performance of Titansphere TiO over another competitor brand. HeLa Cell Lysate which consists mainly of non-phosphorylated peptides, was used as sample. Titansphere TiO shows exceptional selectivity - almost 90 % of the bound peptides were phosphopeptides, and excellent capacity for total phosphopeptide binding. While the competitive brand shows more selectivity for non-posphorelated peptides.

Sample : HeLa Cell Lysate, Sample volume : 50 µg,
Titansphere TiO volume : 1 mg

Compare Titansphere TiO with IMAC ​

The graph on the right shows the difference between Titansphere TiO and the normal IMAC enrichment method. Using Arabidopsis cell extract. Titansphere TiO provides substantially higher total peak area and a much higher number of non-phosphorelated peptides.

Sample : Arabidopsis Cell Extract, Sample volume : 100 µg,
Titansphere TiO volume : 1 mg


2 Items
5 µm
500 mg.
10 µm
500 mg.


Existen notas de aplicación para Titansphere TiO Bulk Material.


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